miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012

Hi everyone!!
Today is July 3rd, 2012 and I’m in a summer camp in San Francisco. This is my second day officially in the course and the third in San Francisco.

At first, I want to say that I applied to this program I hadn’t know anything about the program. Now I really appreciate having accepted. This is the best program in my live because it mixed the two things most important in my live. Technology and Bussiness.

Today, We had our first class and We taked at Standford University. I had always wanted to be in Standford and It is as nice as I imagine. At first, We have a seminar with the professor Tom Kosnik and It was about stat up ideas and brainstorming. We had a very interesting share of point and I founded the seminar so helpful for my next projects.

Next, We had lunch at the cafeteria of the University and We had a small and quick tour around the campus. The tour was great but the weather doesn’t help to much. Lately, We returned to the classroom to have our workshop. The speaker was Saul Colt and We talking and working about marketing and how reinvented the way to sell products. It was really interesting.

At the end of our courses, We went to a mall. Yeihhh! Shopping!...but It wasn’t as great as I think because the gadgets and the clothes are more expensive than are in my country. I hope to have a visit to outlet soon.

Finally, We traveled with the caltrain service and We went to make some shopping and the We had dinner.
That’s all for today. See u tomorrow at the independence day! =)

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