martes, 17 de julio de 2012

July 16th, 2012

Today was the best day in the year for lack of rivalry xD.

The day started in a weird way because when I wake up I didn’t have any plan so I accepted a overture to go Golden Bridge but in the journey, Natalie and me received a call to go see an investor. So we changed the route and We went to the café to meet the investor and the other guys from the team. The chat was so interesting and very open to create new ideas and know as much we can each other. I think was a experience invaluable and unique in its type.

Then We had some visits to Google and Apple. I found more interesting Google than Apple because they are too diferent each other. One of them is open to know its culture and its way to working, that was Google. Apple was so distant and kind of self-contained so We only had a quick chat with a guy who is project management and system’s engineer.

Definitely  I would love to work in Google. <3

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