jueves, 12 de julio de 2012

July 12th, 2012
I wokeup a little late. I was so tired because the last night. We made a good work with my team, so I think it worth it.

So, We arrived to the Golden Gate University for our first lecture that It was about how to pitch. We had the lecture with Henrik, who already give us other lectures. I like so much that lecture because It give me another perspective for my presentations.

Then, We had a kind of panel with very important people leading companies as Imprint energy. Last one was so interesting but not as the lecture with James Moore, who is founder of J. Moore Partners. I could say that this lecture has been the best for me because Moore painted a stage more closely to the trends and needs in Sillicon Valley.

After the speeches of many important people was our turn as entrepreneurs to give our first pitch. I think my team did very well. 

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