jueves, 12 de julio de 2012

July 10th, 2012
At the first time, We had a class with Tom Kosnik. It was about Costumer Development and Entrepreneurial Marketing . I felt the class so useful and a very important to make a sucesful business model because in my opinion discover our target market and found the perfect marketing for our product are the fast way to increase the development to our business.

That class was essential to make a good work then in the team time. Having reached the clear idea for the business, We dedicated our time to know our costumers and their necessities. It was a good experience because they sometimes totally changed your focus.

After our team time, We had a panel with a 4 entrepreneurship women (Eve Blossom, Melanie Walker, Danae                 Ringetmann) who have made important gains in several sector. All of them were so different and complementary at the same time that makes the panel so interesting and very motivational. 

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