martes, 10 de julio de 2012

July 9th, 2012
What a day!... It was so long!!
We had our second day in Standford and We took two classes and one Keynote. I found the first class so exciting. It was about Bussiness models. Maybe because I’m an engineer and I didn´t know so much on the subject, I found the resource so useful. While Tom Kosnik was teaching us, I made some sketches about an idea that I had.
Lately, We had a keynote with Harry Harris who is president of HealthCare Calfornia. I like so pretty much his speech. It was so motivational and I could rescue some interesting ideas not only for my next project, but also for my personal life. I took me a photo with him because I love his 12 point for success.
After that, We come together as a team to start writing the business model. It was so difficult because We realized that the idea is already done. Despite of this, I think We had a good share of ideas.
The second class was about the main tips to found a good team. I found the class not as interesting as the others but  it isn’t bad to keep in mind that tips.
Finaly, We went to eat. It was the funniest part of the day. =)

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