jueves, 19 de julio de 2012

July 17th, 2012

We started the day with a tour in a different startup but not less interesting. It was a startup house that is basically a house for entrepreneurs where they can meet people who are working in a idea or in a project. I think is a very interesting startup simply because the foreign movement in the creation of startups in San Francisco is very strong. Live with people who has the same interests and also are away from home is really a brilliant idea. I hope in the future be living in one of these houses.

So, later We had a panel with two interesting startups: Indiegogo and AngelList . We discussed about the process of Venture Capital. It was kind of kept because they gave us tips through their experience for what do and what not do.

Finally, We had an extraordinary experience. We had a happy hour with “Circle” startup. I loved so much to have the opportunity to meet this people and made some contacts.

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