jueves, 12 de julio de 2012

July 11th, 2012

Today, I don’t feel myself available so I didn’t put so much attention to the first class. It was about ventures capital. I think was very interesting but the subject is a kind a of topic that it takes time to familiarize with it. The second class was so close to the first one but in another approach. I found these topics so important when you are in the time to lunch the start-up.

Then, We had a meeting with Rebeca at lunch time to talk about the course and We made visible the positive and negative stuff about it. 

Then of that, We had a very interesting panel with four important characters of the silicon valley’s start-ups. They are Shadi Mehraein, Shad Kan, Josh Mendelshn and Hiroshi Wald). All of them with backgrounds amazing.

I can rescue from de day the startup experience with my team. It’s difficult to express the challengues and opportunities that We had experienced. But in the end We can overcome all the difficulties.

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