viernes, 6 de julio de 2012

July 5th, 2012
We started the day with a great workshop called “Introduction to San Francisco and Networking tips” in the Golden Gate University. In this workshop I realized that San Francisco is a really really different place to live and to relate. It’s like a different language and a different way to thinking. I took to many things from this workshop to my personal live.

Then, We had an other workshop with Henik Scheel called Startup experience. In this workshop We had the opportunity to liberate our imagination and create solutions. The topic to choose the problem was “Old people”. At first We had to find all the kind of users that We could have. Then, We had a brainstorm to find all the problems for the specific kind of user We choose. Later, We  had an other brainstorm to find solutions and to find the oppositive course of actions to solve the problem. We finished the activity with an structured process to solve problems giving a complete and delimited solution. I just want to rescue from the workshop the way that We should act when We fail and it is repeating ourselves in effusive way “Yeih, I failed”.

Ahhh… I almost forget something. Happy Birthday Margarita! =)

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