viernes, 20 de julio de 2012


It has been three weeks since the camp began and now that this "course" ends, I would say that I’m another person. But you will ask  yourself Why? Or  Why a course may influence in my personal life?. Ok, the answer is simple. Involves, creates and /or works  on something that moves your world, that is your motivation every day and what excites you do.
Everyone has good ideas and everyone wants to make this world a better place to live. But having the vision and courage to undertake a new idea is not for everyone. Everyone can’t  be an entrepreneur.

Silicon Valley is a place unlike anywhere else in the world for its number of startups and the number of entrepreneurs who comes looking to realize their projects. It is perhaps a combination of climate, culture and people living here that makes Silicon Valley  an unique and total different global entrepreneurship experience.

Be visionary, responsible and objective are not the only ingredients to start a successful business. The global world has forced us to take other factors that allow us to compete worldwide. That’s why the importance of building a good team and do a good business model. But most importantly, never stop changing trends and follow the market brand or better yet create new trends and innovate in various sectors.

If you are looking for are business, technology, entrepreneurship, networking, investors, and opportunities, YOUNOODLE CAMP  is the best choice for a modern approach to global business and to build your idea into high technology environment.

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